Sunday, February 22, 2009

Loved by God

Week after week, every Thursday i will attend my church prayer meeting. However on 19 Feb 09, it is very special. I just sensed that God is asking me in my heart to attend prayer meeting and not to worry about preparing my Friday cell lessons. Inside my heart i have such peace and also feelings of being "missed" (as i skipped prayer meeting last week to prepare my cell lesson), like God is thinking of me kind of feeling. Besides that personally i also felt a longing of getting done with my work and quick go to church to meet up with God.

I really thank God for ministering to me through a song that HE helped me to memorise when I was a young Christian. The song is “I come into this Holy Place”. I felt loved by God, that as if HE is telling me that I won’t be left alone or I will not be left out. Is like telling me that He is watching over me and He will never leave me nor forsake me.  

Prayer meeting ended and I went home. As usual I will check my emails and one of the subscribed scripture verse of the day is “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Thus this really assures me that God truly is looking out for me and also He takes note of me attending Prayer Meeting.

Thank You Father God for being so loving, gracious and merciful to me. Not only that, thank You for your Faithfulness even when I am unfaithful.