Sunday, October 08, 2006

"Let Your (God) will be done and not my will be done..."
Ps. Jack prayed that for me 2 weeks ago during thursday prayer mtg. (28 Sept 06) he also added that i will bow down and submit to God. Today he prayed for me that there will be "no holding back" for the things of God.

Today i learnt about God's Will (as it what God's will really means) in CET Class "The Lord's Prayer". Today's lesson stretch until 3:45PM but it's very good. I learnt that as a Christian i must learn to think independently and also to learn to handle my emotions so that others could respect me. If i have a yo-yo emotion, to others i am imatured and they will not give me the respect.

Today lessons & preaching is just like God is enfolding His plan and guidance upon my life. Thank You Father God. Hallelujah!

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