Monday, May 09, 2005

Am I stretching my potential?

"Am I stretching my potential?" This thought did not come into my mind, I started to reflect on it when I saw my brother learning to bake a cake out of in between basic & intermediate level recipe. (He is just a novice). As I observed him, I found out that he is
willing to:

  1. Take up challenge - not afraid of difficulties, dare to act.
  2. Take risk - not afraid of failure
  3. Learn from mistakes - willing to find out from his colleague who is a good baker.

From this small observation, i began to realise that sometimes, we end up doing a heavy portfolio that sometimes kill our brain cells, but if we are(I am) willing to try our best, we may find out what are our(my) talents, giftings or abilities. And if we find that we could not handle it, it is not because we are stupid, it just that we are not cut out for that job.

I went for an interview last Thursday and before I secured this interview, i told God that I would want a simple job, but to my surprise, the job scope offered to me was almost the same as my previous company. The pressure, the speed, the expectations are the same. I told God in my heart that HE must be joking but later I calm myself down by not thinking too much and told GOD to help me to handle the stress level and the pressure if I am being selected.

Before I end, I would like to share a quote from a book I read - THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE by Rick Warren from page 251.

'You will never know what you're good at until you try. When it doesn't work out, call it an "experiment", not a failure. You will eventually learn what you are good at.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When there is failure make sure that we fall forward. One of the best books that I have read is "Failing Forward" by John Maxwell. (WB Houger)