Friday, May 06, 2005


" will become a Pastor lah.."
" want to become a missionary or a matyr?...."
" can preach leh...."

I have received some comments from friends that i could become Pastor, Missionary...blah...blah...but is that what God wants me to be? I don't know...really at this moment I don't know...all I know now is to be faithful in what I have been allocated to me.

I have learnt that it is good to have a heart to serve God, because we do it out of love and not
out of an obligation, but it's another thing to insist on being someone in the Kingdom of God before we starts to serve or think that i will serve full-time as a ________.

No matter in a Christian Org or in a secular job, we are still serving God full-time, it just that the interest of the individual organisation is different. Secular Company wants profit and in Christian Org, mainly is serving people needs prority.

So what am i driving at? Is to recognise that God is the one who knows and has already plan out what He wants us to be...all He requires is our OBEDIENCE. He is the Potter and we are the clay...if the clay resist being moulded by the Potter, it's not the Potter suffers, but the clay. THe clay has to spend extra time and effort to go through the process once again.

I remember one Sunday School teacher said that if we resist God we will remain us a Charcoal and use for BBQ and if we persevere on we will be changed from carbon to a very precious diamond.

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